Home Brewing Guide to the Chemex
The Chemex is a great pour over method of brewing coffee. It’s an easy-to-use and easy-to-clean brewer that allows for great complexity to come through in the coffee’s flavours.
Click here to download Chemex Brewing Guide as a PDF.
What you need:
Chemex brewer | Filter | Coffee | Grinder | Scale or measuring Spoon | Filtered Water | Kettle | Timer | Spoon | Coffee Mug (12 oz)
Step 1:

Place the filter in the Chemex brewer. Pour boiled water through the filter.
Step 2:

Drain the water out through the spout.
Step 3:

Grind your coffee to a medium-fine grind. Place 22g (approximately three rounded tablespoons) into the filter.
Step 4:

Pour just enough water into the filter so that it saturates the grinds (3.5 oz/104 ml). Set timer for 30 seconds.
Step 5:

Pour water aagin, this time to abour 1/4 inch below the rim of the Chemex (5.5 oz/163 ml). Pour in a spiral or a back and forth motion to fully saturate the coffee.
Step 6:

Once it has drained so there's an inch of dry coffee, pour water again until water level is up to 1/4 inch below the rim (3.5 oz/104 ml). Start pouring around the rim and continue in spiral or back and forth motions.
Step 7:

Once water has drained completely, remove filter and put it in sink to drain out completely before composting.
Step 8:

Pour the coffee from the Chemex into your mug and enjoy!